by Rita Skeeter
former Daily Prophet Reporter
It's hard to believe- writes Rita Skeeter, former Daily Prophet reporter- that the Harry Potter books were written by an author who doesn't like fantasy. "It's not my favorite genre," the 5 foot 4 inch, edgy and quick witted J. K. Rowling claims. "I was half way through the first book," she told reporters, "before I even realized: 'this has got Unicorns... I'm writing fantasy.'" And, she says, she hasn't even read much of the fantasy type of book.
But if that is the case, then one wonders how she obtained such extensive knowledge of the wizarding world. A Rowling family tree examination, so thorough it was worthy of Erastus Scarpin himself, revealed pure Muggle lineage! She holds that she "is not a Wiccan" (a muggle witchcraft organization) and that she believes in God and attends church from time to time, affiliated with the church of Scotland. But the amount of detail she knows about... you-know-who... alone, betrays a more intimate relationship with our world than is acknowledged by those claims.
The forty-"something" year old, slim, brunette lives in an unpublicized location in Scotland with her second husband, Neil Murray, and three children, Jessica, David Gordon, and Mackenzie. For everyone to see, she appears as a normal Muggle... very lucky, and skillful to be sure... but just your average children's book author. OH, is she really?
This reporter has exclusively discovered overwhelming evidence casting a dubious aura on such an "accidental" correlation with our world. During the publication of her (to date) four books she has been interviewed on numerous occasions and still remains evasive on specific details. She claims to have a "secret vault" -- such as rumored to be in the Malfoy mansion -- where her most intimate papers are kept; and, asserts that she even has the last chapter of the last book already written. When asked how she learned of Harry Potter, she just smiles and says: "the bespectacled boy just walked into my mind, fully-formed" while she was on a train ride... "a boy who didn't know he was a wizard until he got a selection letter from school."
Evasive as she is about how she met Harry, there are just too many unexplained "coincidences" for anyone but a house elf to believe (no offense to our elfish readers).
[Q] How did you know about the Potter's...
[A] I played with an Ian and Vikki Potter as a child and just liked their name;
[Q] How did you know Harry's birthday...
[A] It's mine, July 31st;
[Q] How did you know the people who raised Harry...
[A] As a child, I lived near a town named Dursley;
[Q] How do you know so much about Ron and Hermione...
[A] Hermione is based on me as a child and Ron on my long time friend Sean Harris.
And I suppose you expect us to believe that "you just happen to have your mother's eyes?"
[A] No, that's my sister Di, "she's the pretty one."
[Q] Harry's black hair...
[A] Di's;
[Q] his scar...
[A] Di's, I gave it to her;
[Q] Pettigrew's first name...
[A] My fathers;
[Q] Dudley's appearance...
[A] my baby photo's;
[Q] Hermione's social activism...
[A] She's like me
And you came up with Hogwarts houses just out of the air, did you missy?
[A] no, 'in' the air, on an airsick bag;
[Q] quidditch...
[A] Made it up after a fight with a boyfriend;
[Q] Dementors...
[A] I was depressed once;
[Q] ... The Hand of Glory!...
[A] It was... eh... you mean it is real?
Infuriatingly, she seems to have an answer for everything. Mere coincidental occurrences? I think not! But it's surely something that minister Fudge will be looking into. Whatever the method turns out to be, she seems to have skillfully parlayed her "coincidental" knowledge of us into over a billion dollars net worth making her one of the Muggle's top 100 most powerful women. Perhaps Ragnok needs look no further than Scotland for his sickle shortage at Gringott's.
With one book yet to be published it is possible that Rowling may slip up and reveal her source. And remember, I'll be watching you missy!
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