The Characters of
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

-- List and Analysis of Selected Major Characters --


Main Characters
Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Professor Dumbledore, as he is now called, is the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, located "somewhere in Great Britain." Once the professor of Transfiguration, he has been around for a very long time. We only know incidentally of his brother Aberforth and that, in a previous accident, he received a scar in the shape of the London underground on his knee, which he considers "very handy."
For being dead, the headmaster, none-the-less, played a major role in the saga of book seven. The lessons that he had given to Harry had, indeed, been fully 'internalized,' and even withstood the buffetings of finding out about his less-than-pristine past. He and his brother were only partially reconciled after an estrangement stemming from childhood. His past was filled with the turmoil of the brutal beating of his sister and the subsequent imprisonment of his father when he exacted retribution. Always a masterful intellect, the death of his mother and subsequent curtailment of his desired pursuits, made him vulnerable for the 'peer contact' of an expelled Durmstrang student with grandiose ideas. Surely, the effect that Muggle's had on his sister, played a role in Albus' youthful dalliance with 'wizard power' and its rationalization of being for 'the greater good.' Definitely, not knowing if it had been his own spell which had killed his sister in the fight with his friend, burdened him throughout his life; thereby, initially, prevented him from 'taking up arms' until the severity of his old friends evil absolutely forced him to. As a person, a friend, and a mentor, he was not very forthcoming, and made a habit of 'keeping his own counsel' to the point that it made Harry's life more difficult. Even though, throughout most all of his life he excelled in every way, he none-the-less had areas of insecurity and self-depreciation. Fortunately, despite his shortcomings, his knowledge and intellect were proven to be correct; and did, indeed, save the day.
Potter, Harry James

Harry is the title character of the seven part novel by J K Rowling set in the Great Britain of the not-so-distant past. The orphaned son of James and Lilly Evans Potter he was reluctantly fostered by Petunia, Lilly's sister, and her husband Vernon Dursley, along with their son Dudley. The abusive atmosphere in which he was raised seems not to have affected him as much as one would expect. He is unassuming, unaffected, and honest; but, also has more self-assurance, courage and initiative than such abuse would normally produce.
He's his mother's son… truly. Against all odds, literally, an orphan who lived with ridicule, neglect and abuse became an 11-year-old with enough self-esteem to be compassionate. (Almost never happens in reality) Then, even though he had a tremendous, albeit unintentional, "bump" in self-esteem, by realizing he was "one in a million" — a wizard; he was condemned to pretty much being "raised" by other children and teens. So, what the "right hand" gave him, the "left hand" took away. The "other right hand" told him that he was completely unique, even, to the wizarding world due to his "scar"; and, the "other left hand," stripped away much of his own "life" by tying him to the capricious whims of the very personification of evil. He owed his life to the "agapic" love of his mother, and to her literal self-sacrifice, in spite of no hope for positive results. For Draco Malfoy, he defined his method for friendship: "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." The truth was, however, that people had to try hard not to be his friend; because, he treated most everyone, and every creature with respect and compassion, even when his other friends didn't. Hippogriff's, house elves, moaning ghosts, and the excrutiatingly odd witch and wizard, all became his friends. His Hogwarts years were spent in adventures to not only aid the wizarding world; but, to gain an understanding of himself. The collection of friends he had gathered, became valuable co-adventurers; and both he and us, came to realize that, in their diversity, the battle was won. Certainly he didn't, and could never have, done it alone. His life was saved, abilities shared, ideas given and even course of action manipulated. He came to realize, that he was largely only the "conductor" of the "fellowship's" ideas and abilities. Be that as it may, it was his footsteps directed toward the forest, and his choice alone, to not stay and "board the train." Having, not only, internalized his "Mentor's" ideals, he had become... as selfless as his mother.
Voldemort, Lord

An orphan born of a Witch mother and Muggle father, he was once the boy known as Tom Riddle who attended Hogwarts during the time of Armando Dippet, Headmaster, and is now known as "he who must not be named." He fears no man, except Albus Dumbledore, and speaks of himself as "Lord Voldemort."
Voldemort has, as do all mortals throughout their life, defined his character to its fulfillment. Except, it seems, a wizard seems to be able to define himself in a much more grander scale than most of us. Voldemort is the ultimate narcissist - absolutely no one or anything in existence matters, except himself. Dumbledore has already pointed out to him that this tendency causes him "blind spots," and we now see very clearly how that works. The lack of an "ability to love" eventually pushes everyone away; while, Harry's "weapon that he knows not" pulls those people toward him. Terrified of death, Voldemort actually had in his hand a much more "cleaner" method of cheating it — but was completely blind to it. Instead he maligned and abused a nearly sacred artifact with his own fragmented soul and curses. Like a teenager who has never been told "no," he went careening into tantrums which destroyed everything and everyone unfortunate enough to be near him at the time. As an archetype of evil, Voldemort embodies nearly every genre: from the "total narcissist", to the "spoiled child," the "absolutely corrupted absolutely powerful tyrant" and the "blinded-by-arrogance fool." Even at the end, his arrogance-induced rigidity prevented him from seeing how much he had underestimated the capabilities of even the most menial of other characters. At that stage, Dumbledore's assessment that: "there's no help possible" is most likely true. In the true Wagnerian fashion of villian, he was the victim of the things that he did himself.

Supporting Characters
Granger, Hermonie Jean

She is a curly haired, know-it-all, who was born to a Muggle family of dentists. She is self-assured, if not self-centered, and bossy which hides her true feelings of inadequacy. She has an inordinately developed compulsion for academic success; but, is never satisfied with her accomplishments. [JKR has said the character is based upon herself]
Hermione's penchant for exactitude and playing it safe, coupled with her bossiness, was what Dumbledore was counting on as he devised his plan to hinder Harry's finding the Deathly Hallows. What Harry lacked in knowledge and skill, she more than made up for with her compulsive packing and spell knowledge. In fact, had it not been for her packing for everyone, and keeping it all with her in a charmed purse, at all times, their quest might have crumpled before it got started. It was her idea to plan ahead and devise an excuse or alternate existence for everyone. She even modified her own parents memories so they didn't remember her and went to live abroad. Many times, it was she who knew a spell to extract them from a difficulty; and she could think on her feet, incredibly fast. Her gift from Dumbledore, a book of children's stories in the original runic edition, was their lead into the Deathly Hallows — and several times, nearly cost them their lives. Her romance with Ron blossomed — after a nearly disastrous breakup — and was productive of… Rose and Hugo!
Hagrid, Rubeus

Hagrid, as he is known to- well, everybody, is the "keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" where he has lived since he attended there at eleven. Almost "too big to be allowed," his heart matches his enormous stature, even if his countenance is often- "unexpected."
True to his word, he remained loyal to Hogwarts in order to protect students forced to attend. He was, however, forced to flee and live in the mountain cave with his brother Grawp. He was still able to become aware of the final "battle of Hogwarts" and eagerly rush into the fray with his brother. Unfortunately, his continued "blindness" to his creatures' deadly natures, got him captured by Acrumantulas and taken to Voldemort. There he was forced to witness Harry's "death" and provide the same service to him as he had done for Dumbledore; namely, carry their lifeless bodies to a resting place. His loyalty was unswerving and protection of Harry tantamount in his mind. He acquitted himself well in battle and was able to see the downfall of tyranny, although his outcome was not disclosed.
Lupin, Remus John
Remus seemed to fight his own battle as well as against Voldemort. It took the tragedy of Dumbledore's death to enable him to put aside his reservations and succumb to Tonks' proposal of marriage. The birth of their son, Teddy, however caused much of his old self-loathing to surface, and his fears for the effect that having him as a father would have on his son got the best of him. He offered to tag along with Harry and the kids, it seems as much for concern for Harry as it was to distance his new son from the embarrassment of being the son of a werewolf. Harry's rebuke did strike at his soul; but, eventually he did seem to recognize Harry's own issues with being fatherless, and resumed a valiant position at the head of the fight. Unfortunately, Harry's desire, to keep him with his son, failed. He, with his battle-hardened and capable new wife, paid the ultimate price for Teddy's future.
Moody, Alastor Mad Eye
Long before his usefulness to the "good side" was finished, this ex-auror fell to the treachery that was Severus Snape. Knowing that Voldemort was likely to attack him first, he none-the-less drew fire as a decoy enabling Harry to escape. Unable to have a proper burial, Umbridge used his magical eye to spy on her workers; until the incensed Harry retrieved it and laid it to rest properly.
Weasley, Fred

Fred and George Weasley are twin older brothers of Ron and younger siblings of Percy. Like them all they have red hair, but, unique to themselves they have a very down-to-earth philosophy of life. Typical of students who are "bored" with school due to lack of stimulation for their advanced abilities, they have a reputation as "troublemakers-in-residence" at Hogwarts.
Fred, the born-to-late-to-be-a-marauder, Weasley showed his true Gryffindor nature to the end. After assisting Harry all he could, supporting his brother's after their injuries, and showing exceptional valor against Voldemort's forces, he paid the ultimate price for freedom against tyrrany.
Weasley, George

See under Fred Weasley.
Only George could remain as he did after permanently loosing an ear to Death Eaters in defense of Harry. His calling himself "holey" after the maiming was "lighten-ing" to not only his family but to Harry, who felt a great responsibility for putting him in harm's way. He was able to see the return of freedom to the wizarding world, despite the loss of his "other-half," and life-long friend, Fred.
Weasley, Ronald Bilius

Ron is the second from the youngest child of Arthur and Molly Weasley and has his families universal red hair. He is an avid follower of Quidditch, good at Wizard Chess and is sensitive about his families "adequate-but-not-excessive" financial situation. He doesn't seem to respond well to criticism and allows himself to be overly concerned of other's opinions. He is of high moral character and is not usually malicious; but, sometimes, without thinking, says things that are hurtful. He was the first friend Harry made once he knew he was a wizard.
Ron was as constant as one could be, right down to the nearly disastrous episode of self-depreciation, loss of confidence and hurt feelings. Had it not been for Hermione, he would have not made it through the adventure. On the other hand, it was just this stormy leaving the group which Dumbledore foresaw, and accounted for with his handmade gift: the Deluminator (formerly known as the "put-outer"). Ron repented of his folly immediately upon making the decision; but couldn't have returned to the group, had it not been for the Deluminator's magical transportation ability. The return, as it turned out, actually enabled him to save Harry's life. The maiming and loss of his immediately older brothers, brought about a forced maturity; and his romance with Hermione developed in new directions over the year… leading to: little Rose and Hugo.
Dursley, Petunia Evans

The wife of Vernon Dursley and the mother of Dudley ("Dudders"), she keeps a proper house at Number 4 Privet Drive where she keeps hidden the fact that her sister, Lilly, was a "muggle born" witch of some renown. Like her husband she detests anything magical although accepted custody, albeit reluctantly, of Lilly's orphaned son, Harry.
To the end, her childhood-developed jealousy prevented her from seeing beyond what she wanted to see. She had witnessed her sister receive notoriety for all the 'funny' abilities she had; and was there when 'an evil boy' told them the reason she could do them. Her dislike of "all things wizard" became complete when her childhood letter to Dumbledore, requesting special acceptance to Hogwarts as a Muggle, was declined. Undoubtedly, the death of her estranged sister, led to conflicting emotions when asked to raise Harry. Some of her actions must have been, at least in part, to prevent her own son from experiencing the feelings of inadequacy that she had felt as a child. With her husband and son, she accepted the offer of sanctuary from the Order of the Phoenix, with an unrevealed outcome.
Malfoy, Draco

The only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, Draco claims to be better than pretty much everyone else as a "pure blood" wizard. Where Harry had Dudley as a nemesis in his muggle life, Draco completely filled the role in Harry's wizard life— and then some. It's hard to understand the maliciousness that Malfoy showed Harry, from the moment he realized who Harry was. Either he's just a naturally evil person or there is something else— or both. He showed he is very skilled at heaping verbal abuse and taunts, which bespeaks having experienced it from somewhere, most likely his family. He copes with failing at something by tearing down those who have succeeded.
Draco was revealed as the two-faced, incompetent, weany that he is. Completely playing out of his own league, he was shown to bounce and turn, like a leaf floating down a river, from one danger to another, never quite obtaining the deadly end that he so deserved. He was clearly revealed to be the product of over-indulgent and solicitous parents; but, even they were in disrepute now in the site of their "gang." Even his school-aged sycophants rebuffed his orders. Ron's assesment of him (while he slugged him in the mouth): "And that's the second time we've saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!" pretty much summed it up.
Snape, Severous

It's hard to decide which side of "good and evil" Snape is on. He may be a good Potions Master but is not a good teacher. A graduate from Hogwarts as a member of Slyterin house he is now its head. He acts guarded, distant, unhappy and malicious. He shows unexplained hatred for Harry and gives preferential treatment to members of his house.
As predictable as Hermione and Ron were, Snape defied all attempts to figure him out. Yes, he was the ultimate Slytherin: self absorbed, intrigued by power and dark magic, full of arrogance and it's abusive capabilities, and with "holes" in his morality. As it turned out, however, he was not the typical "coward in time of danger" often associated with those assigned to the house. Dumbledore even commented: "I sometimes think we sort too soon," when referring to his courage. He also did seem to have an area of integrity as it concerned honoring commitments to Dumbledore. A great deal of his motivation throughout his life, seemed to have revolved around an early "love" for Lily Evans, Harry's mother. We all "sensed" that "something didn't make sense," or "was more than met the eye," with this man. We were told that his "unrequited love" was enough to explain all of Snape's idiosyncrasies; and we will have to believe it, because it is, after all, the author's reality. The "secrecy" about his past, however, left the "rapid fire exposition" of his life, a bit weak in the literary sense. What is not weak, however, is the man's courage and integrity in honoring his commitment to Dumbledore, to the very, tragic end. It is of great fortune to him, that Harry was able to see his memory "Engrams" in the Pensieve, or his whole life would have been considered a waste. As it is, he will live in the continually-remembered world of Albus Potter's middle name… Severus.
Umbridge, Dolores Jane
True to her character she was a follower to Voldemort without having to be "Imperioused." As with all tyrants, her viciousness grew when a few of the controls were removed. The fact that she was a "Horcrux bearer" explains why the author would keep this "otherwise worthless" piece of work. She was an abuser of children when she could get away with it at Hogwarts and became an abuser of Muggle-borns and other unfortunates under Scrimgeour/Thicknesse at the ministry. To use a body part of a respected ministry Auror as a door decoration — who would think of such a thing! [Too bad JKR didn't have Firenze dispatch her at the battle of Hogwarts]

Incidental Characters
Barman, Hogs Head
Aberforth Dumbledore, as he was revealed to be, became a substantial help to the "war effort." Barely reconciled to his older brother, Albus, he did maintain residence which allowed frequent conversations. He gave Harry great insight into the true character of his "Mentor," as well as physically saving him... twice. His purchase of Sirius' mirror, and his vigil watching it for signs of problems with Harry, made him able to summon Dobby when Harry needed him most. Shown as a bit of a curmudgeon, he, none-the-less acquitted himself well in the battle.
Black, Regulus Arcturus
The infamous R.A.B. is difficult to place in a "moral" category — we was, after all, not only a Slytherin but a Death Eater as well. It has been left a mystery of how the woman, depicted in the un-removable portrait in the Black home, raised not only one, but two children with moral fiber. He actually could have used Kreacher, as Voldemort had done, to drink the potion while he retrieved the locket. Instead, however, he drank it himself and abandoned himself to the Infiri. It did win the loyalty of Kreacher, which, when properly catalyzed by Harry, produced a fierce warrior for the cause. In a sense, Regulus was fighting at the Battle of Hogwarts.
DeLacour, Fleur Isabelle
Finally married to Bill, she set up housekeeping at the storybook "Shell Cottage" by the seashore, one of twelve "safe houses" protected by "secret keeping" charms. Providing sanctuary for Harry, Ollivander and Griphook after their rescue from the Malfoy manor, her home also serves as the final resting place for Harry's greatest fan, Dobby.
Longbottom, Alice
About as incidental as a character can get, she came unto her own in this book. Supportive and praising of Neville throughout, she acquitted herself as a fierce combatant in defense of her grandson. As McGonnagall had advised, she became "proud of the grandson she had."
Longbottom, Neville
The "alternate" scar-bearer, and no longer under Harry's shadow, Neville "came unto his own" as the leader of the opposition at Hogwarts. Showing every much of initiative and courage as Harry, he took on Bigotry and injustice wherever he saw it, even if it cost him wounding. And just as, "lucky" as Harry, he received assistance from unknown sources in surviving to be a source of irritation and mockery of the "new regime" at Hogwarts. Using his own experience with feelings of inadequacy, he was able to lead and encourage other students in their trials. And, most significantly, also like Harry, he proved himself a "true Gryffindor," able to draw from the sorting hat Godric's sword. He became one of the seven destroyer's of Horcruxes… as well as Herbology professor at Hogwarts.
Lovegood, Luna
In the true "childlike-innocent" archetype, Luna provided at least some of the "glue" which held the "fellowship" together. Her constancy won many as friends, despite her, at times, odd beliefs. She spent time in the Malfoy dungeon, with Ollivander, as Voldemort's hostage, and still maintained her good nature. Harry, Ron and Hermione discovered that she came by her odd belief's honestly — from her father! Contrary to the judgment of the shallow, she acquitted herself as a highly competent and useful friend. Where other's failed, she was not only able to direct Harry to the final Horcrux; but produced a patronus when he couldn't. "Come on, Harry, think of something happy…," is her advice, "we're all still here… We're still fighting (with you)." And we're all glad she was.
McGonagall, Minerva
An imposing leader, as always, she remained at Hogwarts for the sake of the children; most likely at great personal cost. She pretty much overwhelmed Snape's skill with her transfiguration abilities in his "sacking," and made the decision to fortify the castle while Harry searched for the Diadem. This one decision set circumstances in motion which defined the Battle Finale'.
Myrtle, Moaning
Where was Moaning Myrtle when we needed her?
Pomfrey, Poppy
Madame Pomfrey must be mentioned at least once as one of the most unsung characters in the book. Her skills and caring concern enabled enabled those more "active" to get away with their "foolishness" and "idiotic stunts." And she did it all without thought of recognition or acclaim. Her steadiness instilled confidence in the students as she became the "sought after" source of medical help and healing.
Slughorn, Horace E F
Not unlike other Slytherins, Slughorn needed a dose of "reality therapy" to overcome his "inertia" (in his case considerable) "to decide upon his loyalties." Perhaps it might have been McGonagall's threat to "duel to kill."
Sprout, Pamona
As diminutive as she is, professor Sprout had many unexpected tricks up her sleeve against Death Eaters. Many involved her less-than-amiable plants: Mandrakes, Venomous Tentaculars and Snargaluff's.
Tonks, Nymphadora
She did get her way and convince Remus Lupin to marry her. Unfortunately, after delivering their first child, she was killed, following her father, Ted, and along side of her husband, in the battle of Hogwarts. She did, however, make Harry their son, Teddy's, godfather and was truly faithful to the end.
Trelawney, Sibyll
Although notably absent from most of the story-line, she did get a few licks in at the battle of Hogwarts sending Fenrir Greyback to the ground under her crystal orb's. We still have no reason to believe that she had any knowledge that it had been one of her two "true" prophecies which sent Harry on his life's journey.
Weasley, Arthur
The father of the Weasley clan, having been the one who "raised Fred and George," and holding it together through Percy's disaffectation, Arthur provided a moral center and sensibility to decision making. His son Fred apparently "took the bullet" for him [in the JKR literary sense, who said that she decided NOT to kill him off] so he could still be around to make sense of Ron's last statement that "Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood."
Weasley, Ginevra (Ginny)

She is the younger sister of all the Weasley boys and, as such, doesn't play a significant part in their lives until she gets old enough to mandate being dealt with. She was emphatuated with Harry from her first site of him; but, completely stymied by her "shyness."
It's a bit hard to keep Ginny in the "incidental character" section in this book. She certainly isn't incidental to Harry. Her character almost served as the "Damsel in Distress" archetype described by Joseph Campbell. Certainly she was a "temptress," of sorts, that Harry had to try and put out of his mind most of the story. She provided critical support and affirmation to Harry; but, as he desired, kept out of harms way. In the end, however, she did, in fact, "win the prize."
Weasley, Molly (Prewett)
Always the moral center, Molly considered herself Harry's "foster" mother. Her angst, over not being able to know the true story that both of her "son's" were getting themselves into, put Harry into a real dilemma. He, more than once, felt great gratitude that he had someone who cared about him like a son, and great anxiety over all the trouble he had brought upon them. She's always been protective of her children but we've never been able to see her abilities, until she, single-handedly took care of Bellatrix Lestrange at the Battle of Hogwarts. She did, however, pay a significant price for raising Gryffindor's.
Weasley, Percy Ignatius
Percy made it back into the family at the last moment; but, not before causing his father much heartache when he occasionally met him at work. He resigned his ministry position as he was hexing his Imperioused boss, Thicknesse. He revealed much repressed feelings of guilt over mishaps to his family during the Battle of Hogwarts, and was actually the last person to make Fred smile.
Crabbe, Vincent
As an incidental character, he made himself felt in a very "heated" way. None the smarter, he threw over his "puppet-master," Draco, because both he and his father had fallen out of favor with Voldemort. Unwittingly, his stupidity of unleashing the unquenchable "Fiendfyre" made him one of the destroyers of the seven Horcruxes, as well as himself.
Dursley, Dudley

Almost the same age as his foster brother Harry, he is the son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and lives at Number 4 Privet Drive. He has been "spoiled" beyond belief and has lorded his position over Harry to the point of being a bully. His self-centeredness is matched only by his weight.
It seems that he was of sufficient maturity such that his near brush with dementor-inflicted death was able to have a profound impact on the boy. Unable to circumvent his parents 'embargo' on Harry, he none-the-less became solicitous of Harry's welfare — or at least of his continued presence and protection. In his own way, he was able to extend an offer of friendship to Harry before joining his parents in their Order-of-the-Phoenix-imposed protective seclusion.
Dursley, Vernon

A graduate of Smeltings academy, he is now married to Petunia Evans Dursley with whom he lives at Number 4 Privet Drive with his son Dudley and his foster son Harry. He shares an equal resentment of "anything magical" with his wife Petunia, who, unfortunately, was sister to Lilly, a "muggle born" witch of apparent substantial capabilities. As such, he has made Harry's life, to date, a nightmare.
To the end, he continued his opinionated blustering, but it was obvious that the veracity of his life-held opinions had been shattered. Uneasy in his helplessness, he showed indecisiveness and hesitancy; but, did submit to a sort of 'witness-protection' sequestration supplied by the Order of the Phoenix.
Fudge, Cornelius Oswald
Fortunately, for us, the former minister wasn't heard of in this book, leaving the history books to record, as Dumbledore said they would, that he was the timid, miserable soul "who stood by and let Voldemort return."
Goyle, Gregory
Undeserving though he was, he was the recipient of a "rescue" from death by Harry and Ron.
Greyback, Fenrir
As do most villains, he grew emboldened in his evil once the social stigma was removed. If he thought that Voldemort would "respect" either him or his talents, he was sadly mistaken. Only allowed to wear the robes of a death eater for convenience last year, he was not given official Death Eater status and still needed to roam the earth for sustenance. Fortunately, for the world, his position in it was terminated.
Lestrange, Bellatrix Black
As incredible as it seems, she seemed to be in love with Voldemort! Almost just as evil and hateful as her master, she was a groveling sycophant at his feet. She was one of two people entrusted (unknowingly) with keeping a Horcrux safe. Unfortunately for her, she attempted injury of a Weasley once to often and incurred a "mothers wrath" in the form of Molly Weasley. Just as incredibly, it was his reaction to Bellatrix's death which distracted Voldemort from Harry during their "Battle Finale'".
Malfoy, Lucius
Lucius got a chance to experience the "shoe on the other foot" in this episode and never quite earned back into Voldemort's good graces. His ostentatious wealth, not withstanding, the use of his mansion as "headquarters," of sorts, for Death Eaters, did nothing to assuage Voldemort's anger for loosing a Horcrux.
Malfoy, Narcissa Black
As hateful as she is, her obsession with her son's safety eventually overcame her "loyalty" and fear of Voldemort — and she actually "saved" Harry's "real" life by lying to Voldemort! She showed that she would rather frantically search for Draco than to fight in the last battle.
Pettigrew, Peter
The life debt to Harry was paid, albeit unintentionally, by a merest moment of hesitation while fighting Harry. As with most others, Voldemort used Wormtail… up!
Scrimgeour, Rufus
Unable, realistically, to keep Fudge after Voldemort returned, Scrimgeour was pretty much a "placeholder" for Fudge. Narrow-minded, incompetent, prejudiced, more concerned about Dumbledore doing things without telling him, and "image building" than with true goals. Voldemort couldn't have a better ally, which didn't even need "imperiousing," than Scrimgeour. After delivering the contents of Dumbledore's will to the kids, he was eliminated by Death Eaters.
Skeeter, Rita
Ever the hateful witch (in both senses), and unleashed from Hermione's threats, she began the attack on Dumbledore with her vicious "yellow journalism." Not unwilling to embellish, if not out-right lie, she used half-truths and innuendos to try and sway public opinion; then, turned malignantly, on anyone who disagreed with her. Unfortunately, she may still be around… perhaps under a different name or appearance.