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SCARPlinks to
Other Harry Potter Web Sites


-- Official and Un-official --

AUTHORS NOTE: I've just gone through and checked all the links I had on this page and more than half of them are now defunct (3/27/2023). Actually, most of them have been taken over by scammers and hotel links pretending to be Harry Potter sites. What a shame! Anyway, I've culled all the crap and we are now left with these mere few!

Official Harry Potter Sites:

J.K.Rowling Official Site

Harry Potter News and Gossip Sites:

Visit! Mugglenet

They say that they are the "Ultimate Harry Potter Site" and they probably are - at least when you consider the incredible amount of input they get from seemingly all avenues of Harry Potter'dom. It is a commercial site about the movies, gossip, books, opinions etc.

HP FanZone

The source for 'Ask Luna' and other aggregated news. Quotes, wizard info and forums.

Harry Potter Automatic News Aggregator

A commercial fan site with lots of eye candy. Gossip, polls, forums, chats groups etc.

The Leaky Cauldron

This is a site with a long Harry Potter history and recognition from JKR. Lots of good stuff - big staff - although a bit esoteric at times.

Sir-links-alot: Harry Potter links

What's YOUR favorite link?

Suggest another site: How about helping improve this site? If you find a mistake - send in the correction; If you know of another "real good" Harry Potter site [NO spyware, adware, other computer type junk] let me know. Most people have a favorite site - I'd like to know yours.

Webmasters: Link to this site

Webmasters, how about linking this site to your link page? Copy the size banner graphic you desire by right-clicking on it and choosing 'save as' to your desired web graphic location. Then copy the HTML code below and fill in the URL of where you saved the banner graphic. If you will let me know that you've done it, I will be pleased to reciprocate.